As stated above, among our child and Dalit target groups, we have been specially targeting the girl children and adolescent girls and have been ensuring that they should be the first beneficiaries of all these interventions. As the result, a large number of girl children and adolescent girls have been provided awareness inputs, health inputs and their mainstreaming to the formal education system has been ensured. Several activities have been undertaken under our ongoing projects and programs to empower, in particular, the adolescent girls and changing the attitude of son–preference among the target communities. Several targeted activities have been undertaken with the adolescent girls with a view to reduce child marriages, to promote education and health education as well as leadership quality among them, so that each of them may get opportunities for participation and may develop their inner talent.

Additionally, games, songs and music, oration, short plays and adolescent girls’ health training are organized for them to develop their inner talents. The target group girls have greatly gained in self esteem and the life skills due to these interventions.